Community Partner Dashboard in MyACCESS

Welcome to My Access, a vital resource simplifying the application and renewal processes for Floridians in need of government assistance. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the diverse features tailored for Community Partners, empowering them to efficiently navigate the platform, submit applications, upload documents, view reports, and create referral campaigns. Let’s delve into the myriad capabilities that My Access offers to streamline community outreach and assistance.

  1. Overview of My Access for Community Partners: My Access serves as a versatile platform where Community Partners can complete various tasks, including submitting applications, uploading documents, checking application statuses, viewing reports, and initiating referral campaigns.
  2. Creating a New Application: Community Partners can initiate new applications for individuals by clicking on “New Application” from the dashboard. This step is crucial for those seeking government assistance.
  3. Viewing Application Status: By clicking on “View My Applications,” Community Partners gain access to a comprehensive list of submitted applications, categorized by status. Applications in progress can be resumed by clicking “Continue.”
  4. Uploading Documents: Community Partners can seamlessly upload documents by selecting “Upload Document” and providing the necessary details. This feature facilitates efficient document management for enhanced application processing.
  5. Generating Reports: Navigate to the “View Reports” section to access a range of reports available to Community Partners. Set the reporting period and export data in Excel format for detailed analysis.
  6. Creating Referral Campaigns: Community Partners can launch referral campaigns to track applications submitted through unique URLs. This powerful marketing tool allows for easy tracking and engagement. To create a referral campaign, select “View Referral Campaigns” from the dashboard.
  7. Campaign Details and Statistics: Dive into the details of a referral campaign by selecting “View Details.” Explore campaign statistics, including start date, archive date, and the total number of unique applications submitted. Export campaign data for further analysis.
  8. QR Code and Unique Referral URL: Community Partners can incorporate the unique referral URL into digital marketing materials or download a QR code for printed materials. This ensures a seamless flow of individuals applying for government assistance through the referral link.
  9. Help Center and Language Options: My Access supports multiple languages. Community Partners can choose from English, Spanish, and Creole. Additionally, the Help Center offers valuable resources for any queries or assistance needed during the process.

Conclusion: Thank you for watching the My Access Community Partner Features tutorial. This comprehensive guide empowers Community Partners to utilize the diverse functionalities of My Access efficiently. For more informative videos, visit our YouTube channel. My Access remains committed to providing accessible solutions for the residents of Florida through its user-friendly features.

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